218d Active Tourer Automatic

  • Firstly i went to local service and they found out via their software( dont know which), then i went to official BMW service and they confirmed that that the last time the car was serviced was at 266k.

  • Ok. Then it is indeed a confirmed odometer manipulation.

    Just wanted to make sure.

    Sometimes people confuse things, when they read out data of the control units.

    If a control unit was replaced by a used part (eg cannibalized from crash vehicle) and not properly added to the vehicle system by coding, it might show a higher mileage than the rest of the CUs.

    This is often hastily misinterpreted as manipulation or at least suspicion thereof.

    Are you really certain there is nothing else as "purchased as seen" in your country?


    "Schließe ich mal meine Augen, seh' ich 12 Affen mit bunten Hauben;

    Seh' Kinder, die die Welt regieren, Clowns, die mit Munition jonglieren ..." (Torsten "Nord" Scharf)